If you suffer from migraines, know you are not alone. Over 38 million people bear the pain from these debilitating headaches. Don’t let these get in the way of your daily grind—sacrificing your day to the severe pain will be a thing of the past with these tips.
Change your diet
It can be very tough trying to figure out what triggers a migraine. But knowing common foods that contribute to these types of headaches can be the difference between spending all day in uncomfortable pain or tackling your daily schedule. Here is a list of foods to be on the lookout for as a migraine sufferer:
-Foods that contain the amino acid Tyramine, which is found in fresh breads, processed meats, and most alcoholic beverages—especially wine.
-Foods high in additives and preservatives like nitrates, MSG, and artificial sweeteners (e.g., cured meats, store bought salad dressings, and pre-packaged dips).
-Aged cheeses
Turn off the blue light
A huge trigger for migraine sufferers is blue light. This light is emitted from the sun, as well as from manmade contributors like computer and phone screens. Although there is no way to completely block out all blue light (plus, some blue light exposure is good for your health) there are ways to help cut down on the amount absorbed:
-Cut back on screen time
-Shut off the screen before bedtime
-Try blue light filtering glasses
-Turning your phone on “night mode” even during the day
Water all the way
According to the Mayo Clinic, it is recommended to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Dehydration’s common symptom is a headache, which signals to your body to drink more. But for those who often experience migraines will experience a more severe headache from the lack of water consumption.
-Stay away from soda or any sugary drinks and opt for water instead
-Always have water on hand, even when you’re not thirsty
– Try not to go more than two hours without a glass of water
Other tips:
-Keep a journal of all triggers to help you keep track of what your body is sensitive to and pinpoint the cause of migraines.
-Small doses of caffeine can lessen symptoms of a migraine, but too much can actually increase these symptoms, so finding the right balance and what works for you is key.
-Lavender oil applied to the temples, or anywhere on the body, can ward off or lessen the effects of a migraine.
If migraines are preventing you from everyday life and affecting your well-being, don’t be afraid to reach out to a medical professional to find the right treatment for you.