Sometimes working out can be time consuming and expensive, but why not make it worth your while? Work out, make money, and reap all the benefits of becoming a group fitness instructor.
Help others
Being a teacher in any form is very rewarding! When you are able to help someone accomplish their goals, it’s an accomplishment for you, as well.
Learn a new skill
Even if you are familiar with the type of fitness you want to teach, being a student and a teacher requires two different skills. Learning how to teach will add a slew of other transferable skills to your personal tool kit, such as leadership, delegating, motivation, and time management.
Getting involved in a group hobby is a great way to get to know new people who share the same love for fitness as you. You would be surprised how you may end up connecting with people in your classes socially or even for business purposes.
Monetary benefits
Taking multiple fitness classes can get expensive. So, why not make some extra cash instead of spending all your money on classes? You may already have a full-time job, but regardless, it’s extra cash you didn’t have before. And nothing says motivate me to exercise like a little incentive. Many facilities even offer free classes and memberships to their instructors.
Free childcare
Instead of having to figure out how to pay someone to watch your children during class, most gyms will offer childcare while your workout or instruct. Saving you the challenge of finding and paying sitter.
Acquire a new skill you can be proud of, and benefit from all instructing has to offer!