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Writer's pictureD. J. Stavropoulos

Five Healthy Ways to Start Your Day

Taking care of your health shouldn’t start when you get to work or when you get to the gym, but should start the moment you open your eyes in the morning. Starting your day on the right foot is crucial to keeping a positive focus on your health t

hrough the remainder of your day.

Meditate, and stretch. One of the best things you can do for your body, both physically and mentally, is meditate—in whatever way that works for you. You don’t have to practice traditional meditation necessarily, but taking just ten to fifteen minutes right when you wake up to stretch your limbs and reflect on your plans for the day can set you up for success.

Get in a sleep routine. It’s OK to break this schedule from time to time, but getting yourself into a healthy sleep routine is critical to feeling rested enough to take on the day and for keeping basic body processes, like your immune system, digestive system, and brain function, in check.

Eat a nutritious breakfast (or don’t eat at all). There have been a lot of studies touting the benefits of forgoing that morning bowl of cereal. Intermittent fasting—the term for withholding from eating until a specific hour of the day (usually early afternoon)—is said to boost the metabolism

and aid in weight loss. Eating a balanced breakfast of complex carbs, healthy fats, and protein is also a good option, but that large cream-filled coffee and pastry won’t do you any good.

Do something you enjoy. If you like listening to music, make sure you take time to put on your favorite playlist while you’re getting ready. If you like to read, give yourself a block of time to sit down with a good book, magazine, what have you.

Unplug. Get through as much of your morning routine as possible before checking your phone or computer. You’ll have all day to dig through social media and surf the internet, which doesn’t do much for your health. Use that time for something productive instead. When you start your day on the right foot, you’d be surprised how much better the rest of your day and week can be. Follow these tips to ensure a day of happiness and wellness.

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