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Writer's pictureD. J. Stavropoulos

Changing Up Your Cardio Routine with Ice Skating

Doing at least 30 minutes of cardio a day can be overwhelming to fit into a busy schedule. What many people fail to realize is the variety of fitness options available to change up your cardio routine from simply getting on the treadmill.

Unconventional workouts like the Learn to Skate program, are a great way to change up how you get your daily dose of cardio.

Learn to Skate (LTS) is a 6-week ice skating program that was created through United States Figure Skating Association (USFSA) for people of all ages, interests, and skill levels. Whether you are looking to skate recreationally or plan on getting more involved in figure skating or hockey, LTS is the best way to get to know the sport and get moving.

Overcoming the Ice

A lot of people fear skating because the ice can come across as “scary” and uncharted territory, but this program gives people an opportunity to learn and replace their fear with a new skill. By the end of 6 weeks, skating becomes just like riding a bike (but more fun).

LTS Program Highlights

Each student is assigned a coach for their specific age, interest, and level,for a 30 minutes class, once a week.Most rinks will take on students starting at age 4. During the 6 weeks, students learn about 5-6 skills to practice while listening to music and playing games on the ice. This includes games such as, obstacle courses, drawing patterns on the ice, and even choreographing a routine with the skills you are working on. The skills taught during Learn to Skate can range anywhere from learning how to fall and stop properly to single jumps.By the end of the 6 weeks, students are assessed on their progress, and caneither move up a level or repeat the same level. At the end of 6 weeks, you can sign up again and learn an entire new set of skills.

As a coach in the Learn to skate program, I have watched students of all ages who could hardly march across the ice, progress and excel at single jumps and spins by continuing with the program, and even move beyond it. As a past student myself, it not only gave me a fun way to get active and learn a new skill, but it ended up putting me on a career path as a coach and it has been my cardio preference for 13 years now.

The best part about skating is there is always something new to learn, making it a fun experience every time. No one wants to have to drag their way through the exact same workout every day, so why not unwind and enjoy yourself instead! All classes are low intensity, meaning, unlike running, you are not constantly moving in the same fluid and fast motion. Instead, you are able to execute a move and break every few minutes to talk it over with your coach. You are still getting in your 30 minutes of cardio without over exhausting yourself.

Locate a Rink

Because the Learn to Skate program is available in around 700 facilities (and growing) across the United States, finding a rink to sign up for couldn’t be easier. To locate a rink near you, go to the Learn to Skate website and simply type in your address and the rink results will follow.

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